Minor Programs
A minor in Course 12 is a high-value addition to many other programs of study, jump-starting the pursuit of an advanced degree in any area, or preparing you to become a leader in industry or government.
Expertise in an area of Earth science, climate and environmental systems, or planetary exploration can enrich a career as an engineer, or can help you make informed decisions as an environmental lawyer, public health scientist, sustainability manager, or policymaker.
To learn more about any of the available programs of study, please contact the faculty advisors listed here, or get in touch with the EAPS Education Office.
Discover the Minors
Offered jointly by EAPS and the Department of Physics, the minor in astronomy spans observational and theoretical foundations—from analysis and modeling, to instrumentation technology and hands-on experience at Wallace Observatory. In addition to a broad understanding of observational techniques and the physics which govern the solar system and beyond, you will develop critical problem-solving skills, transferrable to any discipline as you build a career.
Faculty Advisor: Michael McDonald

Earth, Atmospheric + Planetary Sciences
The EAPS minor allows for specialization in geoscience, atmospheres, oceans and climate, planetary science and astronomy, or environmental systems. Through modeling and experimentation, students learn to quantify and analyze complex natural processes, complementing planned degrees in civil engineering, chemistry, biology, physics, urban studies, ocean engineering, economics, aeronautics and astronautics, or applied mathematics.
Faculty Advisor: Greg Fournier

Energy Studies
Transforming the world’s energy systems requires combining expertise from numerous fields. The Energy Studies Minor for undergraduates is an Institute-wide program that complements any major, whether engineering or policy-oriented, with a broad understanding of the interlinked realms of science, technology, and social sciences as they relate to energy and associated environmental challenges.
Faculty Advisor: Oliver Jagoutz

Environment + Sustainability
Providing a foundation in the scientific, engineering, social, and humanistic dimensions of our interaction with the environment, the Environment and Sustainability Minor offered by EAPS, IDSS, and the Sloan School of Management equips students to diagnose and develop solutions to complex problems of social and environmental sustainability.
Faculty Advisor: John Fernandez