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Decoding the Mystery of Water on Mars — with Gaia Stucky de Quay

Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm

This MIT Alumni Forum moderated by Richard Binzel seeks to answer: was there life on Mars?
Recently, researchers uncovered clues on the Red Planet’s surface that could help answer this age-old question.

Gaia Stucky de Quay, the EAPS Peter Puster (1995) and Paula Waschbusch (1994) Career Development Assistant Professor, studies the surfaces of planets to discover how they are formed and transformed by phenomena such as atmospheric effects, asteroid strikes, and, perhaps, living organisms. Learn about her area of study and discover how Mars’s ancient water systems act as “tape recorders” of its climate, geological activity, and habitability.

Presented by the MIT Alumni Association.


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Faculty, staff, and friends of the department: please contact Megan Cokely for information on how to attend!