[PLS] Janosz Dewberry (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Location: 54-517 | MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA“All the small waves: seismic and tidal insight into giant planets near
and far”
The internal waves of giant planets and their host stars carry information about their structure and rotation. I will introduce insights into giant planet interiors gained from “ring seismic” signatures left by the global-scale oscillations of Saturn. The Coriolis force and centrifugal flattening due to rapid rotation in Jupiter and Saturn also affect the tidal waves raised in these planets by their satellite moons, which in turn imprint on the gravitational potentials measured by Cassini and Juno. Meanwhile, the tidal interactions of exoplanets with their host stars can leave traces in orbital architectures. I will describe quantitative predictions for the tidal evolution of semimajor axes, spin-orbit obliquities, rotation rates, and eccentricities in a variety of exoplanet systems.
Planetary Lunch Seminar —
Colloquia topics span the range of research interests of the department’s planetary sciences research program, and the talks are intended to appeal to any graduate students, postdocs, research scientists, and faculty with a background in planetary science. Speakers include members of the MIT community and visitors.
Contact: planetary-org@mit.edu