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[PLS] Professor Xing Wei (魏星, Beijing Normal University)

Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 Time: 12:30 - 1:30pm Attend Virtually

“Magnetic field and tide of star, planet and moon”

Magnetic field and tide are of importance for celestial bodies. In the first part, I will discuss convection dynamo in star, precession dynamo in planet, and collision dynamo in planetesimal. In the second part, I will discuss tidal inflation of hot Jupiter, tidal wave resonance with orbital motion, and magnetic effect on tidal dissipation. Then I will discuss the condition where to find exomoons, and finally the disk instability due to self-gravity to interpret high-mass planet formation.


Planetary Lunch Seminar

Colloquia topics span the range of research interests of the department’s planetary sciences research program, and the talks are intended to appeal to any graduate students, postdocs, research scientists, and faculty with a background in planetary science. Speakers include members of the MIT community and visitors.

Contact: planetary-org@mit.edu