Give to EAPS

Support fundamental discovery, for a sustainable future
Gifts from alumni and friends power our educational mission as we seek to understand the natural world.
Every day, the faculty and students in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences conduct discovery-driven research, with broad-reaching implications. From climate change to pollution, natural resources to natural hazards, our interdisciplinary approach forms the core of our work, providing vital data and context for policymakers and innovators taking on some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.
For our work to continue, we need you. Every single gift has an impact on the strength of our department, allowing EAPS to continue to attract and retain the most outstanding students and scientists in the field, and catalyze novel collaborations with colleagues across MIT.
Help train tomorrow’s scientific leaders
Graduate students are the engine of the department. They conduct much of our advanced research, teach and mentor undergraduates, and take intellectual risks that lead to exciting new discoveries. As government funding for research shrinks and competition among universities for talent intensifies, fellowships allow us to bring the most imaginative young scientists to MIT, and give them the flexibility needed to pursue their research interests.
Support Student Research
Giving Opportunities
There are a number of ways you can participate, such as supporting a graduate student or donating to our Discretionary Fund. Or, better yet, establish your own fellowship and create a lasting legacy at MIT.
Fellowship support fuels our research engine
Fellowship funding helps ensure EAPS will continue to attract world-class graduate students and faculty by allowing students the freedom to pursue novel lines of inquiry without being tied to an existing research grant, and to focus on coursework without teaching obligations. This support is especially valuable during the first two years at MIT.
- EAPS Graduate Student Support Fund — Fund 3857220
Expendable funds for graduate student financial support regardless of research area - James L. Elliot Graduate Student Support Fund — Fund 3297565
Fellowship support for planetary science graduate students - M. Nafi Toksöz Fellowship Fund — Fund 3311750
Fellowship support for geophysics graduate students - Theodore Richard Madden ’49 Fellowship Fund — Fund 3305800
Fellowship support for geology and geophysics graduate students - Sven Treitel ’53 Graduate Student Support Fund — Fund 3312160
Fellowship support for geophysics graduate students
Discretionary funds offer ultimate flexibility
In an uncertain fiscal environment, the versatility of discretionary funds is critical. This funding can be used to meet all student or faculty needs, allowing the department to seize opportunities and address pressing needs as they occur. In the past, these resources have been used to seed new research, recruit faculty, acquire equipment, and to enrich the student educational experience.
- EAPS Discretionary Support Fund — Fund 2635100
Expendable funds providing the most immediate, flexible support for the department - EAPS Endowed Fund — Fund 3138705
Invested to generate ongoing revenue; only an annual distribution is spent to allow the fund to grow and support the needs of the department in perpetuity
Your gift can make a difference.
For more information on philanthropic opportunities, please contact:

Megan Cokely
Senior Development Officer
Phone: 617-253-5796