Institute Professor Emeritus Mario Molina, environmental leader and Nobel laureate, dies at 77 October 9, 2020 Categories: Community
Geologists raise the speed limit for how fast continental crust can form October 5, 2020 Categories: Landscapes + Planetary Interiors, Research
Antarctic sea ice may not cap carbon emissions as much as previously thought October 1, 2020 Categories: Landscapes + Planetary Interiors, Life + Environments, Research, Students + Postdocs
3 Questions: Susan Solomon on plugging holes in ozone-layer and climate policies September 30, 2020 Categories: Climate, Health of the Planet, Research
New Faculty Member: Talia Tamarin-Brodsky September 24, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions, Faculty
Studies investigate marine heatwaves, shifting ocean currents September 22, 2020 Categories: Climate, Life + Environments, Research, Students + Postdocs
OSIRIS-REx finds asteroid Bennu with pieces of Vesta September 21, 2020 Categories: Planets, Research
Astronomers discover an Earth-sized “pi planet” with a 3.14-day orbit September 21, 2020 Categories: Planets, Research
MIT Integrative Microbiology Initiative will stimulate environmental microbiology research September 16, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions
Did our early ancestors boil their food in hot springs? September 15, 2020 Categories: Life + Environments, Research
Astronomers may have found a signature of life on Venus September 14, 2020 Categories: Life + Environments, Planets, Research
David McGee named EAPS Associate Department Head for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) September 4, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions, Community
“The Emerald Tutu” wins NSF grant for design to protect Boston’s coastline September 3, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions, Climate, Landscapes + Planetary Interiors
Ocean acidification causing coral ‘osteoporosis’ on iconic reefs August 27, 2020 Categories: Health of the Planet, Landscapes + Planetary Interiors, Research
“Lava lamp” microbes in the clouds of Venus August 25, 2020 Categories: Life + Environments, Planets, Research
Highlighting Women in Geobiology: Dr. Dawn Sumner PhD ’95 August 19, 2020 Categories: Alumni, Life + Environments, Profile
An MIT Send-off for Mars 2020 August 12, 2020 Categories: Community, Planets, Research, Students + Postdocs
Lava oceans may not explain the brightness of some hot super-Earths August 4, 2020 Categories: Planets, Research, Students + Postdocs
Amanda Bosh wins 2020 Teaching with Digital Technology Award July 31, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions