Two research projects receive funding to advance technologies that avoid carbon emissions July 17, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions
TIL Climate Podcast: About Carbon Capture July 16, 2020 Categories: Landscapes + Planetary Interiors, Natural Resources, Research
Student Sustainability Journeys: Gabriela Cazares July 16, 2020 Categories: Health of the Planet, Research, Students + Postdocs
EAPS welcomes Camilla Cattania and William Frank July 8, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions, Faculty
Working from home: Mallory Ringham July 07, 2020 Categories: Life + Environments, Students + Postdocs
First asteroid found within Venus’s orbit could be a clue to missing ‘mantle’ asteroids July 2, 2020 Categories: Planets, Research
Twelve MIT faculty honored as “Committed to Caring” for 2020-2021 June 30, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions, Faculty
MIT Energy Initiative awards eight seed fund grants for early-stage MIT energy research June 30, 2020 Categories: Awards + Promotions
Aerodyne and the family of Charles E. Kolb (1967) to endow Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry Lecture Series in his memory June 19, 2020 Categories: Community
Tiny sand grains trigger massive glacial surges June 12, 2020 Categories: Climate, Landscapes + Planetary Interiors, Research
Highlighting Women in Geobiology at MIT: Phoebe Cohen June 5, 2020 Categories: Alumni, Life + Environments, Research
Study: Reflecting sunlight to cool the planet will cause other global changes June 2, 2020 Categories: Climate, Natural Hazards, Research