Andrew Babbin Associate Professor Marine biogeochemist studying the interactions of microbial communities with their chemical environment to understand climate.
Kristin Bergmann Assistant Professor Reconstructs the record of environmental changes on the early Earth through analysis of sedimentary formations.
Richard Binzel Faculty Post-Tenure Leader in the study of asteroids and Pluto, inventor of the Torino Scale to categorize impact hazards associated with near-Earth objects.
Abigail Bodner Assistant Professor Investigates turbulence in the upper ocean and coastal sea level drivers using numerical simulations, climate models, and machine learning.
Tanja Bosak Professor Experimental geobiologist exploring modern processes in microbial systems to interpret the record of life on early Earth and other planets.
Edward A. Boyle Professor Marine geochemist studying how oceans absorb and disperse heavy metals and pollutants, and how Earth’s climate evolves over time.
Kerri Cahoy Professor Leads the Space Telecommunications, Astronomy, and Radiation Lab building nanosatellite laser communication systems and weather sensors.
Camilla Cattania Assistant Professor Seismologist studying earthquake interaction on regional and global scales using numerical, analytical and statistical tools.
Charles C. Counselman Professor Emeritus Leader in radio and radar astronomy known for significant advances in GPS technology and precision astrodynamical measurements.
Timothy Cronin Associate Professor Climate scientist focused on regional-scale atmospheric dynamics and surface-atmosphere interactions to understand climate sensitivity.
Julien de Wit Associate Professor Planetary scientist specializing in the detection and characterization of new worlds, in particular exoplanets and their atmospheres.
Laurent Demanet Professor Applied mathematician specializing in seismic imaging and wave propagation to visualize Earth's subsurface structures.
Kerry A. Emanuel Professor Emeritus Prominent meteorologist and climate scientist specializing in moist convection in the atmosphere and hurricane physics.
Dara Entekhabi Professor Expert in remote sensing techniques for soil and water, with a focus on Earth's water cycle and modeling land-atmosphere interactions.
J. Brian Evans Professor Emeritus Experimental geophysicist known for discoveries in rock mechanics and the relationship between deformation, fluid chemistry, and fluid flow.
Raffaele Ferrari Professor Co-Director, MIT Lorenz Center Physical oceanographer building next-generation models to understand ocean circulation and the inner workings of climate.
Arlene Fiore Professor Associate Department Head Atmospheric chemist studying interactions among pollutant emissions, regional air quality, global atmospheric composition, and climate.
Glenn R. Flierl Professor Oceanographer exploring planetary-scale turbulence, fluid dynamics of atmospheres and oceans, and the effects of ocean flows on ecosystems.
Michael Follows Professor Director, MIT-WHOI Joint Program Models marine ecosystems to understand relationships between microbial biodiversity and carbon and nutrient cycling in the ocean.
Gregory Fournier Associate Professor Expert in molecular phylogenetics and microbial evolution investigating the origins and co-evolution of life and environments.
William Frank Assistant Professor Postdoctoral Program Faculty Coordinator Geophysicist studying the continuum of earthquake modes and fault instability within the Earth's crust.
Timothy Grove Faculty Post-Tenure Recognized for seminal contributions in experimental petrology, expanding our understanding of planetary formation and evolution.
Bradford Hager Faculty Post-Tenure Known for key advances in mantle dynamics, structure, and flow using geodetic instrumentation, numerical simulations, and dynamical models.
Thomas Herring Professor Pioneer in high-precision geodetic analytical methods and applications for satellite-based navigation systems to study Earth's surface.
Oliver Jagoutz Professor Director, Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL) Geologist specializing in magmatic processes, oceanic crust evolution, and formation and evolution of the ocean-continent transition zone.
Ruben Juanes Professor Computational geoscientist and engineer studying physics of multiphase flow in porous media with energy and environmental applications.
Wanying Kang Assistant Professor Investigates large-scale atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, and their effects on the climate of Earth and other planetary bodies.
Richard S. Lindzen Professor Emeritus Dynamical meteorologist investigating climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability.
Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli Professor Emerita Physical oceanographer specializing in numerical and theoretical modeling, recognized for contributions to the Venice MOSE barrier project.
John Marshall Professor Oceanographer known for breakthroughs in modeling ocean circulation, and insights into the role of the oceans in climate.
David McGee Professor Department Head Specializes in isotope geochemistry and geochronology to reconstruct Earth’s climate history and improve future climate projections.
Brent Minchew Associate Professor Chair, Program in Geophysics Studies glacier and ice sheet evolution, their responses to climate change, and their impact on landform evolution and the carbon cycle.
F. Dale Morgan Professor Emeritus Geophysicist known for exploring applied seismology to solve problems of energy, water, and environment.
Lyle Nelson Assistant Professor Sedimentary geologist studying the co-evolution of life and surface environments, and their relationships to ocean chemistry and climate.
Nicole Xike Nie Assistant Professor Isotope geo/cosmochemist studying early solar system evolution, planetary differentiation, moon formation, and planetary surface weathering.
Paul O'Gorman Professor Chair, EAPS Committee on Education and Graduate Officer Explores atmospheric dynamics and extreme precipitation events with a focus on the response to climate change.
Shuhei Ono Professor Chair, Program in Geology, Geochemistry, and Geobiology Geochemist using stable isotopes to study how microbes catalyze chemical reactions and shape the chemistry of our atmosphere and oceans.
Matěj Peč Associate Professor Specialist in experimental rock deformation, studying structures on the microscale to understand the processes behind plate tectonics.
Taylor Perron Professor Undergraduate Officer Investigates how geology, climate, and life intertwine to shape the landscapes of Earth and other planets.
R. Alan Plumb Professor Emeritus Prominent atmospheric scientist specializing dynamics of the troposphere and stratosphere, as well as global distribution of trace gases.
Ronald G. Prinn Professor Atmospheric scientist known for pioneering methods to track emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases, and linking climate science and policy.
Daniel Rothman Professor Co-Director, Lorenz Center Theoretical scientist studying the dynamics of the Earth system and the organization of the microbial biosphere.
Leigh Royden Professor Known for fundamental insights into the tectonic processes shaping Earth's surface, and how Earth's crust deforms and evolves over time.
Sara Seager Professor Planetary scientist and astrophysicist pioneering exoplanet detection, characterization, and the search for life on other planets.
Noelle Eckley Selin Professor Director, MIT Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy Atmospheric chemist applying modeling to inform decision-making on air pollution, climate change, and persistent toxins like mercury.
Gene Simmons Professor Emeritus Geophysicist and author of geology and rock physics texts who played a key science role during the NASA Apollo program.
Susan Solomon Professor Chair, Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate Atmospheric chemist and climate scientist, best known for work to explain the Antarctic ozone hole and its link to CFC emissions.
John Southard Professor Emeritus Prominent geologist and educator known for significant insights into the intricacies of movement of sediment by currents and waves.
Peter H. Stone Professor Emeritus Influential meteorologist known for pioneering climate modeling, dynamical climatology, and the need for climate science-policy connections
Gaia Stucky de Quay Assistant Professor Investigates the driving forces behind the formation, evolution, and decay of planetary surfaces across the solar system.
Roger Summons Professor Emeritus Renowned geoscientist integrating biogeochemistry, geobiology, and astrobiology to investigate the co-evolution of life and environments.
Talia Tamarin-Brodsky Assistant Professor Works at the interface between weather and climate, studying atmospheric temperature variability and how it responds to climate change.
Richard Teague Assistant Professor Specialist in submillimeter wavelength telescope observation working to understand the formation of planetary systems.
M. Nafi Toksöz Professor Emeritus Prolific geophysicist known for foundational contributions to the field, as well as mentoring generations of future geophysics leaders.
Robert van der Hilst Professor Seismologist probing Earth's deep interior structure, from sedimentary basins near the surface to the core–mantle boundary 2,800 km below.
Benjamin Weiss Professor Chair, Program in Planetary Science Specialist in magnetometry, seeking to understand the origins and history of the Earth, terrestrial planets, and small solar system bodies.
Jack Wisdom Professor Expert in planetary dynamics and chaotic behavior, investigating the movements and interactions of solar system bodies.
Carl Wunsch Professor Emeritus Known for pioneering methods of modern oceanography and shaping our understanding of global ocean circulation and its climate implications.
Maria Zuber Professor MIT Presidential Advisor for Science and Technology Policy Geophysicist specializing in gravitational studies and laser altimetry to map the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and asteroids.